A Prayer for Rest by Dot Hall
Dear Lord
Thank you for your promise of rest. Thank you for your promise of carrying our burdens and lightening the loads we carry every day. Remind us that you never designed us to carry all our responsibilities alone. Let us see all the help that you have given us through others: our family, friends, our church. Remind us that when you ask us to serve and care for others, that when we feel obligated to do things ourselves, that those are the very warning signs that WE are trying to be in control, and we are not trusting you.
Lord, forgive us when we get impatient waiting for your help. We sometimes turn things over to you and then try to take back control when you respond in your time rather than in our time, resulting in us feeling tired, frustrated, burned out and sometimes even angry.
Help us to journey each day with you, talking with you throughout the day about our worries and burdens, and then seeking your promise of help and rest. Help us to stay focused on YOU and to be thankful and accepting of all the help you are giving us. Help us to rest in your peace that comes from you walking with us, carrying us, loving us.
We ask that you be with every person on our Prayer Chain. Lift their burden and fill them with your peace and love. And now Lord, those here today have their own private prayers for you. Please hear them as they come to you now.