Prayer Chain

At DeWitt Community Church we have an intercessory prayer ministry because we believe that God answers prayers. All requests and praises are kept in strict confidence unless you wish them to be shared with the congregation. Please let us know how we can pray for you.

Please note that the telephone prayer line is no longer in service. You can call the Church Office at (315)445-0331 with your prayer requests, or send an email to

As you are comfortable… please indicate if the request is to be shared only with the pastoral ministry staff, passed on to our intercessory prayer chain, or be on the weekly “Prayer & Care” list.The intercessory prayer chain is a group of individuals within the church who are committed to regularly praying for others’ needs, especially emergency or confidential situations. Prayer requests can also be shared with the public “Prayer & Care,” a weekly compilation of requests, needs, and praise that is available to the whole church congregation.

Requests will generally remain on the prayer list for 3 weeks. Please inform the Church Office if you wish the request to remain longer, or if you have updates on the situation so intercessors will be able to pray informed prayers.

Join the Electronic Prayer Chain

Do you want to receive weekly prayer requests–right in your email inbox? Sign up for the prayer chain to receive the weekly “Prayer & Care,” as well as occasional emergency or confidential requests. You can play an important role in praying for the prayer requests and needs of our Church body! Contact the Church Office, 445-0331 to join the Prayer Chain.

Compassion Cooks

If you like to cook and are looking for a way to make a difference in the life of others, Compassion Cooks is the group for you.

Compassion Cooks prepare and deliver meals to individuals and families welcoming a newborn, grieving a loss, or dealing with a crisis. Throughout the year, Compassion Cooks also get together for Cook ‘n’ Koinonia, a time to share a meal and fellowship and to create care packages or meal containers. They usually come away with tasty new recipes to try too!

Contact Cindy Masingill at if you are interested in getting involved.

If you or someone you love needs a meal on a temporary basis, please alert Cindy.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Using our knit or crochet patterns and yarn, volunteers make beautiful prayer shawls which are given to congregation members who are in need of comfort. Since September of 2007, the members of the Prayer Shawl Ministry have made and given 167 prayer shawls to congregation members experiencing loss or serious illness. We meet the first Monday evening of the month at 7:00 p.m. in room 42, but this can be done at home on your own time if you prefer.

If you are interested in becoming involved with this ministry, contact Nancy Bond,

Friendship Ministry

Volunteers in this ministry keep regular contact with their assigned friend, a member of DeWitt Community Church who can no longer attend services. Friend assignments can be long term or short term depending on the situation.

For information on getting or being a friend, call the church office (445-0331) and leave a message for Nancy Bond.