Where are you located?
DeWitt Community Church is located at 3600 Erie Blvd in DeWitt NY. We are across the street from Shoppingtown Mall.
What are your worship services like?
All of the worship services at DCC provide a unique atmosphere for worship. They are all of a traditional liturgical style with hymns, classical music, and Communion once a month. Our 11 AM Sunday service (10 AM during the summer) is held in our Sanctuary. We also offer a Chapel Service in Miller Commons on Sunday Mornings at 9:00 AM. This service features contemporary music and hymns.
What do I wear?
Whatever you feel comfortable in! You’ll see people dressed in casual clothes and suits worshiping side-by-side at DCC. We’re much more interested in meeting you than in what you choose to wear.
Where do I take my kids?
The Children’s Ministry provides Sunday School for Pre-K through 5th graders at 11:00 AM (September to June). The nursery is available for children birth through 5 years. It is open and staffed from 9 AM to Noon on Sunday.
How do I learn more?
When you attend either a Saturday or Sunday service, be sure to fill out the “Connection Card” on the service bulletin. A member of our Welcoming Team will contact you and answer any questions you may have.