Dear God,

Like a rock. That’s what you tell us. Believe like a rock. Have faith like a rock. Trust like a rock. Never waiver. Never be tempted. Never doubt.

To be honest God, when life is going well and things are going the way we want them to, that’s pretty easy to do. It’s actually fun and exciting to share our faith then. To be thankful and full of joy. When someone asks us about our day or life, we say “we are so blessed and we are so thankful. Thanks and praise be to God!”

But you also ask us to have faith like a rock during difficult times. And that is hard. When we are hurt, or sick, or suffering or overwhelmed, our faith waivers. We can be tempted to sin or break away from your commandments because that would be easier or faster. We get discouraged and angry and we question your plan rather than having faith in your plan.

Remind us Lord that your love IS the rock. It is solid. It is eternal. It is not breakable. Under any circumstances. Ever.

And as we bring our silent prayers to you now, we ask that you hold those on our prayer chain in special consideration. Please be with John, Linda, Mary, Denise, Diane, Laurie, Elaine, Porter, Dominick, Kristen, and Morgan. Please also comfort the family of Albert Heslop.

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