The Circles of Friends are small groups that meet monthly (in people’s homes or here at the Church) and carry out the goals of the Women’s Association. Each Circle of Friends has a Christian Service Project which members support throughout the year. A short program is scheduled at each meeting.
We hold three Circle of Friends meetings on the second Thursday of the month for fellowship, Bible study, devotions and a Christian caring project.
9:30 AM – Ruth Circle of Friends
12:00 PM – Naomi Circle of Friends
12:00 PM – Deborah Circle of Friends
In October, February, and March, all three Circles come together for a Joint Circle Meeting, held on the second Thursday of that month at 12:00 PM in the Church Parlor.
All interested women are invited to attend the Joint meetings or the individual Circle meetings. Notices of the meetings are included the announcements prior to the meeting.
Join a circle and make new friends! Questions? Contact Angela Todisco ( or leave a message for her in the office (445-0331).